
starstarstarstarstarstarstarstarstarstar 6.0/10 (9 Stimmen)

Regisseur: Jaroslaw Banaszek

Land: Polen   Studio:

Laufzeit: 47 Minuten

Genre(s): Komödie, Drama

Video-Codec: Unknown   Seitenformat: Unknown

Filmsprachen: Polnisch   


Handlung: Unemployed actor has stuck within the four walls of his apartment for weeks. He keeps in touch with the outer world by using computer and phone. What he does, is waiting. Waiting for the role, call from his agent, his mother. Alco...

Benutzerdef. Feld 1

Benutzerdef. Feld 2

Medium: UHD + BD   Quelle: Ultra HD Bluray   Verliehen: Nein   Dateigröße:

Nummer: 133   Eigene Nummer: